Track Easter Bunny is the definitive source for news and information on the Easter Bunny.
Our website is independently owned and operated and we aim to provide the best information about the Easter Bunny as possible.
This website is free to use by everyone and is supported by advertising. Advertisers have no editorial control over the content on this website.
Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world rely on Track Easter Bunny to provide updates on the Easter Bunny’s journey, FAQs, games and more.
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Website Stats*
- 390,000+ global visits/sessions in March-April 2020
- 250,000+ unique visitors/users in March-April 2020
- 720,000+ pageviews in March-April 2020
- 2:40+ minute average visit/session duration
* Statistics provided by Google Analytics.
Social Stats
- 25,000+ fans on Facebook
- 6,000+ followers on Twitter
- 6,500+ Easter Bunny Email subscribers
- 1,000+ YouTube subscribers