Top 5 Countries
All of the following statistics are from Track Easter Bunny’s website analytics.
It’s 2020. While the Easter Bunny is popular in many countries around the world, these are the five countries where he is most popular.
Welcome to Track Easter Bunny's official blog. This is your place for all things Track Easter Bunny.
Top 5 Countries
All of the following statistics are from Track Easter Bunny’s website analytics.
It’s 2020. While the Easter Bunny is popular in many countries around the world, these are the five countries where he is most popular.
Track Easter Bunny celebrated the 10th anniversary of tracking the Easter Bunny’s journey. We tracked the Easter Bunny as he made his way all around the globe and delivered over 3 billion baskets to good girls and boys.
The Track Easter Bunny website, www.trackeasterbunny.com, which started tracking this year’s journey on Saturday, April 11th, features email from the Easter Bunny, a countdown, games, activities, and more.
The Easter Bunny Tracker was new and improved for 2020, making it easier than ever to track the Easter Bunny. We made lots of improvements; and will be making much more for 2021.
Some of the highlights this year included:
This year, Track Easter Bunny launched the Official Easter Bunny Tracker app available in the Google Play store, so parents and children can track the Easter Bunny on their smartphones and tablets. Because our project is not funded by outside sources, we charged a small fee to support development and continuous improvements to the Easter Bunny Tracker. We did better than expected, with nearly 1,000 paid downloads.
We successfully launched www.EasterBunnyTracker.com to help with the high-demand of our bunny tracking service. We put our exact-match premium domain name to good use. The site was met with rave reviews and plenty of press, from Yahoo! Lifestyle to KWQC-TV6. EasterBunnyTracker.com hosts a shop, games, and much more.
Screenshot of EasterBunnyTracker.com
In terms of stats, this past week alone, the TrackEasterBunny.com website had over 200,000 users, and more than half a million pageviews. EasterBunnyTracker.com in its debut week had nearly 50,000 users visit the site and enjoyed over 200,000 pageviews (Statistics provided by Google Analytics).
We also continued to increase our social media presence by launching YouTube and Instagram pages. Track Easter Bunny now has over 25,000 Facebook likes and so far this year, has more than 6,100 followers on Twitter.
Our Track Easter Bunny newsletter has over 1,000 subscribers, and as of Easter 2020, Easter Bunny Email has nearly 9,000 subscribers. With Easter Bunny Email, you can get personalized email messages directly from the Easter Bunny.
It takes a lot of work to track the Easter Bunny, and we thank you for your time, patience, and support.
Our online presence in each search engine has strengthened so much, that all you need to do is simply type “Easter Bunny Tracker” into each search engine to get started.
We plan to leave up the interactive Easter Bunny Tracker for several hours and invite you to explore the map.
We are so grateful to all our users near and far! Thank you to those who are using our service on a regular basis. We will do our best to improve our services.
Happy Easter to you and your family!
— The Track Easter Bunny Team
Good news, kids! The Easter Bunny has begun his Easter Eve journey delivering baskets and goodies around the world and will be visiting your hometown soon!
The Easter Bunny left his workshop on Easter Island earlier this morning. His first stops will include places like Australia and Asia, just in time for Easter there.
The public can track the Easter Bunny’s journey by accessing Track Easter Bunny’s official Easter Bunny Tracker.
Happy Easter!
— The Track Easter Bunny Team
We just hit an amazing 23,000 fans on Facebook. Thank you to our fans from around the world for your support! It’s a big achievement for us and our fans! Happy Easter 2020!
— The Track Easter Bunny Team
Hello and good evening from Track Easter Bunny’s Command Center.
The countdown continues towards the launch of the Easter Bunny Tracker, 1 hour from now, at 1 AM EST.
During this one hour window, the Track Easter Bunny team will run its prelaunch checks. Once completed, the Track Easter Bunny Launch Director will verify “go for launch”, and then the Easter Bunny Tracker will officially be online.
Keep in mind though, the Easter Bunny won’t begin deliveries until 5 AM Eastern Time (2 AM Pacific Time) on Easter Eve morning, Saturday, April 11th, 2020. However, while you are waiting to track the Easter Bunny, you’ll be able to visit with him at Easter Island and interact with the map.
Happy Easter!
— The Track Easter Bunny Team
Launched in 2010, Track Easter Bunny empowers kids to learn all about Easter and the Easter Bunny in a fun and engaging way.
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