Each year, Track Easter Bunny and our bunny tracker volunteers make Easter a little brighter for kids of all ages by tracking the Easter Bunny’s magical journey across the world.
Unfortunately, our website encountered several issues during Easter weekend, due to the high volume of users logging on. Our hosting provider was aware of these issues, but we were unable to quickly resolve them. We sincerely apologize for any bad experience you may have had with this year’s Easter Bunny Tracker. However, while our website was down, we made sure users could still get live updates about the Easter Bunny’s movements on Facebook and Twitter.
Track Easter Bunny became an instant success since it was first released in 2009 and millions of users around the world have tracked the Easter Bunny’s magical journey each year. Since the launch of the Easter Bunny Tracker, we have had an incredible response from users around the world.
We are 100 percent committed to making it the best experience for Easter 2018 and have already identified several areas for improvement. The most important change will be getting a newer and bigger server to handle all the traffic to the website.
Despite the bumpy journey this weekend, had more than half a million page views in less than 24 hours.
19,000+ fans now follow us on Facebook, up from 16,000+ fans just a few days ago. And now more than 6,500 people follow us on Twitter.
We kept track of the Easter Bunny’s movements for more than 24 hours right up until the last Easter basket deliveries were made on Easter Sunday morning.
The Easter Bunny is widely popular around the world. The following countries had the most users logging on:
- United States
- Canada
- Australia
- United Kingdom
- Ireland
- New Zealand
- South Africa
- Germany
- Italy
A total of 3,018,034,115 baskets were delivered around the world and the Easter Bunny ate approximately 312,095 (thanks to all the kids who left carrots).
It takes a lot of work to track the Easter Bunny, and we thank you for your time, patience, and support.
We plan to leave up the interactive Easter Bunny Tracker for the next 24 hours and invite you to explore the map.
Happy Easter to you and your family!
— The Track Easter Bunny Team